Sunday, June 16, 2013

Leslie--Maternity Miracle

I am honored and thrilled to photograph the maternity session of my friend, Leslie, and her miraculous pregnancy. She was told she could never have children without medical help. And here she is. Pregnant almost full-term, with a healthy, growing baby. No medical help. Just God doing His thing. And I get to capture the miracle through photos, to hold them as a memorial of God's grace and love. This is when taking photos goes beyond being just my job and crosses over into a realm of documenting the impossible.  This is when I get to create reminders of the miraculous. This makes my job so much cooler. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Claire you captured this miracle moment perfectly! Thank you so much for doing this for my sister and her new family and the rest of us that cannot be there for the experience! This brought tears to my eyes! Amazing!